Inspiration and Teachings

Many people have inspired me throughout my life, some I’ve never met, some I’ve only briefly encountered, and some who I love deeply. One of the most inspiring individuals I have ever had the pleasure of knowing is my Momma. My Momma has struggled all her life, but if you asked her she would say she has loved every minute of it. Her mother died when Momma was only four, and her father left shortly after. My Momma was raised by her Grandmother along with a dozen of her cousins and siblings. My Momma was a teenage mother at the age of 15. She was a teenage runaway at the age of 16 when life at home in Haida Gwaii became too overwhelming and violent. My Momma was forced into the sex trade as young woman. She did anything and everything she had to in order to protect me and provide for me. She showed me nothing but love, kindness, compassion, empathy and friendship from the moment I was born. My Momma is this bright shining beam of authenticity, and pure love with an air of innocence due to her FASD. I have a million stories I could share to paint you a picture of just how incredible my Momma is, but one really stands out: about a decade ago my Father was riding his Harley down Hastings when he saw my Momma come out of Carnagie Hall, so he pulled over. Momma was holding two hotdogs, all the food she had to eat that day. They chatted for a couple minutes when my Momma asked my Father what he was up to that day, he replied that he was just going for lunch; without a second thought she offered him one of her hotdogs. He politely declined, smiled and handed her 50$. She is selfless. I would not be the person I am today without that Haida Warrior. Everything I do these days is for her. There is nothing I would not do for my Momma. I have always felt as though she were my spiritual guide sent from Creator; and that I am her Mother reincarnated and sent back to this plain of existence so that my beautiful Haida Warrior is never truly alone.


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